5 Must-Have Baby Clothing & Accessories for Minimalist Parents

Minimalist parenting is a lifestyle choice that allows you to live with less. It’s about eliminating clutter, focusing on the things that matter most, and reducing waste in our lives.

But what does minimalist parenting have to do with baby products? As it turns out, there are benefits to choosing minimalist baby gear when you’re expecting:

  • You’ll save money on clothing items by keeping fewer items (check out our blog on baby capsule wardrobe for tips and tricks here).
  • You’ll be able to make do with fewer items than other parents might need–freeing up a lot of space!

Gender Neutral Onesies

Gender neutral onesies are gaining popularity among parents who want to be able to reuse onesies if they are planning on having multiple children and are unsure of gender. These onesies are designed in a way that does not conform to traditional gender stereotypes, and can be worn by both boys and girls. Here are some benefits of choosing gender neutral onesies for your baby:

  1. Versatility: One of the biggest benefits of gender neutral onesies is their versatility. They can be used for both boys and girls, which means they can be shared among siblings or passed down to future generations.
  2. Affordability: Gender neutral onesies are often more affordable when you buy them in packs. We recommend buying baby onesies in bulk.
  3. Sustainability: By choosing gender neutral onesies, parents can promote sustainability by reducing the amount of clothing waste that ends up in landfills. Since these onesies are not tied to a specific gender, they can be used for multiple children, which means they will get more use out of them.
  4. Creativity: Gender neutral onesies often come in a variety of colors and designs that are not limited to traditional pink or blue. This allows parents to get creative with their baby’s wardrobe and choose pieces that are unique and expressive.

Baby Gowns

Baby gowns are a type of clothing that is designed specifically for newborns and infants. What we love about them is they make diaper changing in the middle of the night so easy by either featuring an elastic bottom or a zippered bottom. Plus they usually have fold over mittens keeping baby’s hands warm while also protecting their delicate face from scratches.

Baby gowns do not have any loose strings or buttons that can pose a choking hazard to your baby. They are designed to be safe and comfortable for your little one to wear.

Gender Neutral Bibs

Bibs are one of the best products to have on hand when your baby is eating and especially when they’re teething. They’re great for protection from messes, easy to clean and durable. Again following the same principles used above, plain baby bibs are easy to hand down to future siblings. Also, they come in many different styles and vibrant colors so you can easily mix and match with baby onesies, baby jogger pants and baby beanie hats.

Baby Wearable Blankets

Minimalist parents are always looking for ways to simplify their lives. One way you can do this is by using baby sleep sacks for pajamas. If you’re looking for a versatile and practical clothing option for your newborn or infant, baby gowns are definitely worth considering. They usually come in a wider size range, like 0-6 months allowing them to be used for longer.

These sleeping blanket gowns are comfortable and easy to do diaper changes, which make them perfect for minimalist parents who want their children’s clothing choices to be as simple as possible. Plus you can layer them with long sleeves in the winter and t-shirts in the summer. Allowing them to be used all year long.

Baby Burp Cloths

Burp cloths are soft and durable, and they come in a variety of colors and designs. They’re also absorbent, so you can use them to clean up any messes your baby makes while feeding or being changed. Which makes them an essential baby item!

Buying baby burp cloths in bulk can help save you money! Especially if you get white ones. Not only are they gender neutral but they can also be bleached so they stay vibrant.

Safety Considerations

Safety is the most important consideration when purchasing baby products, and it’s even more important for minimalist parents. You don’t have room for clutter in your home, so you need to make sure that everything you buy is safe for your baby.

  • CPSIA Compliant: This means baby products were tested for lead, phthalates, durability, flame resistance and a bunch of things to ensure they’re safe for your baby. All products we linked to are CPSIA compliant, your baby’s safety is our #1 priority.
  • Proper fit: Making sure your baby’s pajamas and clothing aren’t too loose fitting is key. Sometimes this can lead to babies being burned, getting caught in swings and dragged and a number of problems. All products in this article are fitted clothing to ensure safety.

Budget Considerations

  • Quality over Quantity.
  • Shopping around for the best deals and buying in bulk
  • Finding used items secondhand, on eBay or at garage sales which is great for the environment!


You’ve probably heard the term “minimalist parenting” before, but what exactly does it mean? Minimalist parents try to keep their lives as simple as possible. Minimalist parents also focus on teaching children how to be independent and that less is more. Instead of buying lots of clothes, they buy fewer items that are durable (and don’t end up in landfills) as well as clutter up drawers and closets. We fully support that which is why we have developed a line of affordable baby products. No minimums and you don’t have to be a wholesaler. You can be a parent or caretaker that just likes saving money on clothing. Check us out!

We are your one stop shop for wholesale baby onesies, white baby onesies bulk, polyester baby onesies in bulk, blank onesies for embroidery, wholesale baby bibs, wholesale baby beanies in bulk, wholesale swaddle sacks, wholesale wearable sleep sacks and many many more wholesale baby products. As well as custom baby clothing and custom designs. We’re here to make your life easy! 

Stay in the loop with KidsBlanks by Zoe team! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for the latest updates on new products, promotional codes, and helpful tips for printing clothing.

Sign up for a free wholesale account to save up to 70% off retail prices on our selection of wholesale 100% cotton baby bodysuitsblank baby onesies for sublimationblank toddler t-shirts, and more. Take your brand to the next level with custom screen printing – Request a quote on our screen printing service today!

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